Monday, May 21, 2007

Arrived in Melbourne.

Alhamdulillah ada rezeki untuk melawat benua Australia ni. We're here to visit and take care of my sister cos she will deliver her first baby in a few days. Aku ambik study leave (short sem) semata-mata nak datang sini. Aku dengan Mak datang dulu, Syafiq and Bebi will come later next week. Dah lama tak naik long hour flights. Nasib baik dalam plane tadi banyak kosong, so we have the three seats to ourself.

Lepas turun kat airport, kat area nak collect luggage guard dia siap bawak 2-3 anjing ronda untuk track kalau ada drugs. Masa check passport tu pun pegawai dia bukan main serious lagi muka. Rasa cuak pun ada. Keluar ke waiting area airport dah mula terasa sejuk. After waiting for a while, nampak Kakak datang 'waddling' kat kitorang. Hehe. It was weird, I haven't seen Kakak for ages then tiba-tiba jumpa she is 9 months pregnant and has this huge tummy. Masa keluar airport nak lintas jalan, aku nampak ada kereta nak lalu so I stopped even though kat tempat kitorang nak melintas tu ada zebra crossing. Kakak was like, "kenapa stop?" then she kept on walking and the car slows down then stops. Aku macam jakun and amazed kejap. Ok, so kat sini people DO follow the zebra crossing rules. Before balik rumah Kakak & Abg Nasa, we stopped by some neighbourhood sebab Kakak nak pickup baby tub Kakak beli from someone through ebay.

At Tullamarine Aiport.
Just arrived at rumah Kakak.
Kakak made us hot drinks and served home made lagsana. Lepas tu kitorang tidur kejap charge energy balik sebab tak cukup tidur dalam plane tadi. Hehe. Aku macam taknak keluar dari selimut je sebab sejuk sangat! It was around 13˚c. Therefore, today will be hari rehat and hari menyesuaikan diri dengan cuaca. :P