Friday, August 31, 2012

Legoland® Family Day

This weekend ada wedding my BFF, Atul kat JB. Kebetulan Imran, my cousin who works at Legoland invited us pergi Legoland's family day. Legoland® Malaysia is not yet officially open, but I think some time in mid September. Family day is just for staff's family members and friends. Each staff boleh beli limited no of ticket (I don't remember how much) for only RM30 each. However, not all rides are ready masa ni. Ada beberapa rides je yang dah boleh naik.

Bertolak pagi dari Bangi, then sampai JB checked in at Silka Hotel. I got confused, I thought Atul's wedding was at Pasir Gudang and hotel tu dah menghala ke sana. Rupanya wedding dia dekat Gelang Patah. So agak jauh la dari hotel nak ke pusat bandar, and jauh jugak nak ke rumah Atul esok. Pftt!

Not much I can say about Legoland sebab obviously kitorang tak naik apa-apa rides pun. Teringin jugak nak naik whatever ride tapi since HB takde mention about trying the rides so I wouldn't dare ask. So all we did was lepak kat cafe Imran and tengok-tengok replica Lego. Oh we met Makngah, Pakngah, Maryam & Udin there. Diorang pun lagi la tak heran nak jalan-jalan tengok pape sebab diorang dah buat annual pass so boleh datang anytime. Kawasan kat dalam tu tak berbumbung, thank goodness time kitorang pergi tu cuaca tak panas sangat sebab dah petang. I would imagine on a hot day memang masak la nak berjalan tengah panas.


Huge replica of KLCC also made from Lego
Taj Mahal
Somewhere in Japan
Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas
Rasanya if I have to pay the ticket at a normal price, I wouldn't come again kot because I think the ticket is way overpriced and tak berbaloi dengan apa yang ada kat dalam. Then again, if you're obssessed with Lego or have kids tall | old enough untuk naik kiddy rides, maybe you would think differently