Saturday, July 5, 2014

Beli Cath Kidston direct dari UK (

Cath Kidston UK ada buat sales. Congak-congak kalau beli dari UK campur international postage ke Malaysia, harga boleh dapat still lagi murah dari outlet kat Malaysia ni. Jadi aku pun beli la share postage dengan Kakak & Mak, lagi la jimat. I placed the order on June 28th and expect for the parcel to arrive in 2 weeks time sebab dia tulis international delivery will arrive within 10 working days. Hari tu aku pernah order barang MUA dari UK pun barang sampai dalam 2 minggu.

On July 2nd dapat email dari Cath Kidston informing that my items was dispatched.

Then on July 4th , aku dapat call from an unknown number. Thank goodness I picked up because usually I don't take calls from anonymous number. Rupanya yang call tu DHL nak bagitau that I have a package from UK, but DHL tak cover delivery to my address. And then ada some custom charges that I need to pay. So the option was I could go and pickup the package myself at their customer service center in Shah Alam, or I can make the payment to their account, then once I give the proof of payment they will send the item to me via poslaju FOC. At first I wanted them to the send my package via poslaju, I paid for postage kot kenapa nak kena pickup barang sendiri pulak. But come to think of it rasa tak sabar pulak nak dapat barang. Lagipun tomorrow is a Saturday and I've no plan.

I asked HB if I can go to Shah Alam early in the morning because usually Zara will sleep until noon. Tapi HB offered to go and pickup the parcel for me. Thank goodness because I'm not really familiar with Shah Alam area.

The total price of my purchase was £223 and the custom tax that I had to pay was RM184.43. Tak tau la macam mana dia kira. I think its 10% of the items value + shipping fee, plus duty handling charge. I think duty handling charge tu is for DHL kot.

Mek kecik ni pulak yang tak sabar lebih nak bukak kotak
Mak beli dua beg, Kakak empat beg, aku beli empat beg tiga wallet. Whoops. Tapi cepat giler barang sampai, so I'm happy with that. :)

Friday, July 4, 2014

My Raya Dilemma

Raya tahun ni buat aku rasa serba salah. Tahun ni giliran raya kat kampung HB. Tapi Mak, Abah & Syafiq nak pergi umrah seminggu sebelum raya and balik seminggu lepas raya meaning diorang akan beraya kat sana. Redza pulak kena raya atas kapal, so Bebi at 8 months pregnant kena raya sorang-sorang. Kakak is still unsure whether she'd be working on raya or she'll finished her housemanship by raya. But even if dia cuti, its just her family and Bebi la. Tak sampai hati pulak rasanya nak tinggal diorang.

Thank goodness I thought of an idea. I know HB nak sangat aku balik kampung merasa berbuka puasa kat sana. Dia nak Zara balik jumpa Umi & Abah. So according to plan kitorang akan bergerak balik kampung 2 days before raya. Ticket flight dah last minit baru nak cari memang mahal giler la. Gigih aku duk survey ticket flight. I found that kalau nak balik naik flight bulan puasa ni, the ticket price boleh tahan la. Tak mahal pun. Dalam RM400 for the three of us (tak termasuk baggage). And if aku balik dengan Zara naik flight hari raya pertama, ada flight yang affordable la, RM400 for us both.

So the decision was, a week before raya kitorang balik kampung nak berbuka kat sana. Then HB akan drive balik kampung dulu maybe one or two days before raya, and aku & Zara akan naik flight lepas solat raya. So win win situtation la, kitorang dapat balik berbuka kat kampung, aku dapat sambut raya with Bebi & Kakak, and also my family in Kelantan. :)