Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Medan Year End Vacation, 2014.

Insyaallah this December I'm going on a short family vacation to Medan. 3 days 3 nights. Kenapa 3 days? Sebab flight dari KL pun dah malam so ETA at Medan around 8pm++ local time. I heard the journey from Kualanamu Aiport to the city where most hotels are pun dah around 1 hour kan? So maybe if we're lucky we can arrive at the hotel before 11pm.

So the plan is
Day 1: Terus ke Danau Toba and spend one night there
Day 2: Singgah Berastagi on the way balik Medan
Day 3: Flight balik KL is at 5pm so probably after checkout jalan-jalan kat Medan dulu

Rasa macam agak rushing jugak tapi masa beli tiket flight to I had no idea the journey from Medan to Danau Toba tu agak lama. Oh well lets just make the best of the time that we have.

Any recommendations of Muslim supir or tips around Medan? Hotel apa yang best dan selesa untuk Muslim family with elderly and toddler, dan senang dapatkan makanan halal. What is the best way to go from the airport to the hotel? Ambik taxi from airport or arrange airport transfer with the hotel? What is the rate for airport transfer and hotel apa pulak yang provide airport transfer? Gosh so many things I still need to find out. Any quotation or anything, please contact me at sue_xoxo@yahoo.com. Thanks!

On another note, Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all Muslims!

How we spent our raya.