Monday, December 10, 2012

Big Bad Wolf 2012

I've been waiting for the Big Bad Wolf sale for so long! The sale started last Friday but since I had to work on Saturday and hubby had to work on Sunday, tak sempat nak pergi last weekend. So hari ni mengular la kejap ke MIECC dengan Mak. Lagipun students dah start final exam so there's no more class for diploma students and I'm not on duty to invigilate the exams. Bottom line is I'm free today.

My catch

Tak sempat breakfast so lepas bayar beli apa yg ada je.
Coffee and cupcakes form Cupcake Chic.

On the way balik ke parking terserempak pulak Kak Ita. She's my colleague but from another department. Dia pun mengular jugak rupanye..heee. Tadi tak bawak beg besar untuk letak buku masa pilih-pilih buku tu. So I just carried the books I wanted in a box, which was rather inconvenient so cepat-cepat pilih buku and bayar. Dahla berat. I HAVE to come back to finish book hunting. Sedangkan last year tengah pregnant pun boleh pergi 2 kali kan.. Wait for me Big Bad Wolf, I'll be back.

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