Saturday, March 15, 2014

Beli pakej USS kat MATTA Fair.

Untuk birthday Zara tahun ni kitorang plan nak celebrate special sikit. Mula-mula nak buat birthday party but then many questions came up and we couldn't come to a decision. Nak buat kat mana, rumah kitorang, rumah Atuk & Opah Zara or kat luar? How far should we extend the invitation, just family, or ajak kawan-kawan rapat, jiran, kawan office? Menu apa, nak masak (as if), ambik catering, upah orang masak, take outs?

So in the end kitorang decide nak go and celebrate somewhere just the three of us. Gabungkan sekali celebration birthday Zara & Mama, HB nak belanja pergi USS. YEAY!

Last weekend kitorang pergi MATTA Fair. Banyak jugak package USS. Ada yang RM168 + free SGD10 meal voucher + SGD5 retail voucher. Pakej Hotel Sentral JB RM280/person untuk 1 night stay, return transfer to USS and entrance tickets.

HB beli pakej USS dengan Grand BlueWave Hotel berharga RM600 nett for 1 night stay at the hotel, 2 entrance ticket and hotel-USS return transfer. Breakfast tak termasuk dalam pakej so for breakfast tambah RM15/person. Bas bertolak 8am so takut tak sempat pun nak breakfast. Tapi HB kata because dia tau aku suka makan kat hotel so tambah jela. Hihihi

Murah ke tak pakej ni? I would say actually sama je pun if you beli bukan kat MATTA Fair. Because entrance ticket paling murah aku pernah jumpa RM165/person. Harga biasa rasanya RM185/person. Return transfer to USS usually RM30/person. Grand Bluewave Hotel aku check kat boleh dapat dalam RM205/night including breakfast! Tapi tu check in Friday la. Kalau check in Saturday at least RM250/night. The advantage of this package is takde surcharge on weekends and public holidays. So kira-kira balik if beli hotel, ticket & bus asing-asing harga dia sama je kan if not higher. Tapi kalau nak lagi jimat boleh je duduk budget hotel tak pun duduk Tune Hotel pun ok. Bus ke USS pun ada dari Tune Hotel tu.

So bottom line is kalau nak cari pakej jimat untuk ke USS during MATTA Fair ni, baik tak payah la. Tapi kalau malas nak fikir, nak mudah and terus book 'all in' package banyak la kat situ. But mind you, there're not exactly at the lowest price. Aku ni ada jugak terfikir rugi je beli pakej tu, kalau ambik hotel budget boleh jimat cost. Nak sedapkan hati --> takpe la kan, cos its a special ocassion. Huhu.

Ok now aku kena survey pulak tips what to do or not to do kat USS. Come to think of it, banyak ke rides untuk budak 2 years old macam Zara ek? Then if aku nak naik rides yang Zara takleh naik macam mana? T_T

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Product Review: TBS Born Lippy Lip Balm

My favorite lip product at the moment. Smells delicious!! The watermelon flavor was beyond expectation. Smells yummy and it doesn't give much of a color on your lips. The strawberry flavor smells very sweet so it might not be for everyone. It gives your lips a slightly red tint. I also have the raspberry flavor which I have yet to try. Can't decide which would be my favorite flavor as they change along with my mood. ;)

Got this from The Body Shop UK for £2 a pot (normal price). Here in Malaysia its RM19 a pot. Don't know if I'd buy it for that price though. Then again, maybe I would. But just one pot at a time and use it until it is finish. :p

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I won the Big Bad Wolf preview pass!

I am over the moon! I won the preview pass to the Big Bad Wolf 2014 sale! Meaning, a day before the actual event starts, a limited no of people get early excess to the sale. So the chances untuk dapat buku-buku yang best | bestseller tu tinggi la sikit.

How I won the preview pass? The BBW FB page ada buat sharing contest. Kena share one of the BBW promo photo then 10 lucky people will win a preview pass to the Big Bad Wolf 2014 main event, biasanya hujung tahun.


Hujung bulan ni ada BBW sale lagi, tapi its a bit different this time. Kena beli box dulu (ada dua size) then you fill the books that you want in the box, make sure box tu boleh tutup rapat then you get all the books inside for free. Tak boleh nak imagine lagi untung ke tak sebab box tu harga RM79.70 and RM99.90. What if tak banyak buku yang kita suka? Like it or not kena jugak spend that amount of money for the box. Therefore aku plan untuk tak pergi event ni, because I want to save up for the main sale nanti (as if).

The only thing that I'm not happy with is nanti aku kena claim preview pass tu kat BookXcess punya office kat Amcorp Mall. Kat mana tu! Yang aku tau its not anywhere near Bangi. Malasnya. Kenapa dia tak boleh email je kat kita terus.. Huhuhu.

Anyways, boleh la pergi dengan Kakak nanti. Kakak pun menang preview pass jugak tapi in another contest. Actually she was my inspiration. Hehe. I am counting days! :D