Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I won the Big Bad Wolf preview pass!

I am over the moon! I won the preview pass to the Big Bad Wolf 2014 sale! Meaning, a day before the actual event starts, a limited no of people get early excess to the sale. So the chances untuk dapat buku-buku yang best | bestseller tu tinggi la sikit.

How I won the preview pass? The BBW FB page ada buat sharing contest. Kena share one of the BBW promo photo then 10 lucky people will win a preview pass to the Big Bad Wolf 2014 main event, biasanya hujung tahun.


Hujung bulan ni ada BBW sale lagi, tapi its a bit different this time. Kena beli box dulu (ada dua size) then you fill the books that you want in the box, make sure box tu boleh tutup rapat then you get all the books inside for free. Tak boleh nak imagine lagi untung ke tak sebab box tu harga RM79.70 and RM99.90. What if tak banyak buku yang kita suka? Like it or not kena jugak spend that amount of money for the box. Therefore aku plan untuk tak pergi event ni, because I want to save up for the main sale nanti (as if).

The only thing that I'm not happy with is nanti aku kena claim preview pass tu kat BookXcess punya office kat Amcorp Mall. Kat mana tu! Yang aku tau its not anywhere near Bangi. Malasnya. Kenapa dia tak boleh email je kat kita terus.. Huhuhu.

Anyways, boleh la pergi dengan Kakak nanti. Kakak pun menang preview pass jugak tapi in another contest. Actually she was my inspiration. Hehe. I am counting days! :D

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