Saturday, December 15, 2012

Bekerja di hari Sabtu.

On a Saturday I should be at home with my husband and baby. Instead, I'm working and waiting for my students to finish and submit their work. This is the second Saturday I've been working, from 7.45am-3pm. Nasib baik mengajar student GAPP (A level students going to Germany), senang hati sikit ajar budak bijak-bijak ni tak banyak kerenah. I can see such a difference between my diploma students and A level students, no offense. Its not the brains that matters most, its the attitude.

Petang ni hubby kena pergi Jepun, urusan kerja. Mak kat London visiting Syafiq and Abah is probably on the flight to Sabah right now. Bebi bagitau semalam nak pergi Johor ada wedding. So I guess I'm all alone with Zara this week.

Gaji bulan ni masuk super awal, like yesterday (14 Dec)! Keringlaa nak tunggu gaji bulan 1. I'm thinking of going to the Big Bad Wolf again since last week pergi belum gaji lagi, so buku pun kena tapis-tapis.

A book I found at the Big Bad Wolf sale last year. Tapi tak beli pun..hehe

Mak kata diorang nak pergi berjalan ke Aberystwyth. Best nyee! Bila laa agaknye aku dapat pergi. Nak bawak Zara and Papa tunjuk school Mama kecik-kecik..hehe. Insyaallah one day.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Big Bad Wolf 2012

I've been waiting for the Big Bad Wolf sale for so long! The sale started last Friday but since I had to work on Saturday and hubby had to work on Sunday, tak sempat nak pergi last weekend. So hari ni mengular la kejap ke MIECC dengan Mak. Lagipun students dah start final exam so there's no more class for diploma students and I'm not on duty to invigilate the exams. Bottom line is I'm free today.

My catch

Tak sempat breakfast so lepas bayar beli apa yg ada je.
Coffee and cupcakes form Cupcake Chic.

On the way balik ke parking terserempak pulak Kak Ita. She's my colleague but from another department. Dia pun mengular jugak rupanye..heee. Tadi tak bawak beg besar untuk letak buku masa pilih-pilih buku tu. So I just carried the books I wanted in a box, which was rather inconvenient so cepat-cepat pilih buku and bayar. Dahla berat. I HAVE to come back to finish book hunting. Sedangkan last year tengah pregnant pun boleh pergi 2 kali kan.. Wait for me Big Bad Wolf, I'll be back.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Zara dah mengengsot!

Assalamualaikum! So much catching up to doooo! *phew* I've been super duper busy lately with work, with my pwincess, house chores and family events. No time for entertainment let alone blogging. As for the highlight of today, Zara my pwincess dah boleh mengengsot! Well actually I don't know when it started but I do notice that she moves a lot now. I assumed that she was doing her usual 'rolly polly' or in other words is berpusing 2-3 round sekali golek. Today she was trying to grab wire charger phone papa which was a few feets in front of her, I was like oh biarlah there's no harm since she won't reach it anyway. Then when I look again she was touching tali charger tu! Berlari kauuu aku nak selamatkan dia. I was curious so I watched her closely. Rupanya dalam meniarap2 dia tu dia dah bergerak ke depan sikit demi sikit! Ala-ala mengengsot macam caterpillar gitu.

Owh I'm so proud of you little pwincess! I know you'll be crawling and running around no time. So mummy have to reorganize the furniture and keep the house clean at all times. Ermmmm ok.. Now that's a challenge!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Legoland® Family Day

This weekend ada wedding my BFF, Atul kat JB. Kebetulan Imran, my cousin who works at Legoland invited us pergi Legoland's family day. Legoland® Malaysia is not yet officially open, but I think some time in mid September. Family day is just for staff's family members and friends. Each staff boleh beli limited no of ticket (I don't remember how much) for only RM30 each. However, not all rides are ready masa ni. Ada beberapa rides je yang dah boleh naik.

Bertolak pagi dari Bangi, then sampai JB checked in at Silka Hotel. I got confused, I thought Atul's wedding was at Pasir Gudang and hotel tu dah menghala ke sana. Rupanya wedding dia dekat Gelang Patah. So agak jauh la dari hotel nak ke pusat bandar, and jauh jugak nak ke rumah Atul esok. Pftt!

Not much I can say about Legoland sebab obviously kitorang tak naik apa-apa rides pun. Teringin jugak nak naik whatever ride tapi since HB takde mention about trying the rides so I wouldn't dare ask. So all we did was lepak kat cafe Imran and tengok-tengok replica Lego. Oh we met Makngah, Pakngah, Maryam & Udin there. Diorang pun lagi la tak heran nak jalan-jalan tengok pape sebab diorang dah buat annual pass so boleh datang anytime. Kawasan kat dalam tu tak berbumbung, thank goodness time kitorang pergi tu cuaca tak panas sangat sebab dah petang. I would imagine on a hot day memang masak la nak berjalan tengah panas.


Huge replica of KLCC also made from Lego
Taj Mahal
Somewhere in Japan
Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas
Rasanya if I have to pay the ticket at a normal price, I wouldn't come again kot because I think the ticket is way overpriced and tak berbaloi dengan apa yang ada kat dalam. Then again, if you're obssessed with Lego or have kids tall | old enough untuk naik kiddy rides, maybe you would think differently

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 1 Tanpa Papa Zara

Biasanya kalau weekdays mesti tengok jam tak sabar nak tunggu 5.30pm Hubby habis kerja and balik rumah. Hari ni takde maknanye..huhu. Since dia naik flight malam tadi belum ada pape update lagi dari Hubby. Hopefully all is well, insyaAllah. Sekarang ni maybe dia dah sampai Toyama kot probably dah kat tempat supplier dia.

Zara hari ni menguji kesabaran Mama betul. Malam tadi dah la tak tidur sampai pukul 4 pagi! Lepas tu tadi tengah hari Mama nak mandikan dia boleh pulak dia kentut then berak lepas tu kencing, lepas Mama dah bukak pampers dia! Mak aihhh.. Dah la hari ni macam sakit belakang makin teruk, since kelmarin start sakit belakang tak tau kenapa. Masa pregnant, pantang takde pulak sakit belakang. Sekarang pulak sakit.. Alhamdulillah Tuhan taknak bagi kesakitan serentak. Agaknya dah habis pantang terus buat kerja berat kot, angkat benda-benda berat. Zara macam banyak meragam la hari ni. Adoi Zara Mama tak larat nak angkat Zara selalu sangat la sayang.. Huhu..

Tadi beli ticket flight untuk balik Sabah awal September ni. Pergi sana naik MAS balik naik Airasia. Dah lama giler tak naik MAS, last masa balik Sabah lepas bertunang dulu. Asyik menghantar orang je kat KLIA nak merasa naik flight jugak dari KLIA..hehe. Masa nak buat payment using online banking tadi tersilap masuk TAC no so kena blocked. I had to call CIMB customer service untuk activate balik and masa tengah call tu ada incoming call masuk. A number I don't recognized so buat taktau jela. Then masuk SMS rupanya Hubby call from Japan guna no supplier dia! I was literally in tears sebab tak dapat nak cakap dengan dia, in his text he said he'll call again later. Then I replied his SMS terus dia call lagi lepas tu! Yeay! Dia baru habis kerja and was on his way to the hotel. Dia tak mandi pun since landed kat Tokyo pagi tadi, terus naik bullet train to Toyama and terus ke tempat kerja..hehe. Style Jepun betul, pantas! Ok please ignore kat atas tu I said takde update lagi from Hubby because I updated this part later..hehe.

Sakit Belakang Lepas Bersalin

Dari malam tadi berusaha nak edit layout blog ni.. Actually I had this acount since 2009? Tapi takde entry pun..haha. So I'm transfering all my entry lepas kahwin ke blog ni. Hari tu nak edit layout my other blog, buang semua wedding checklist and profile sebelum kahwin tu. Tapi rasa sayang sangat pulak sebab tu semua pun a part of my memories. So fikir balik baik buat another blog and just link both of them kan.

Semua checklist ni kenangan ni.... hihi. Blog title pun rasa sayang nak tukar. Takpelah let that be my special wedding blog. Nanti nak transfer entry pregnant and baby.

Dah masuk beberapa hari dah ni sakit belakang yang agak teruk. I think sebab masa berpantang dulu macam sakit lutut sikit so kalau nak angkat barang or ambik barang kat lantai I avoided bending my knee, and just tundukkan badan je. Kalau ikutkan ergonomic kita kan kena angkat barang macam ni:

Agaknya sebab tu la kot kan. Aku ni pulak angkat barang tak beringat. Main angkat je benda-benda berat. Yang paling kerap sekali baldi besar penuh air, setiap kali lepas sterilize breastpump and storage bottle mesti angkat baldi tu buang air dalam sink.

Nothing much to update today. Zara Alhamdulillah malam tadi senang tidur, and pagi tadi pun nyenyak tidur sampai tengah hari. Cuma around 4am she woke up so I checked and changed her diaper, boleh pulak dia gembira senyum-senyum and ketawa time tu. Scary ok! Nasibla aku tak tidur sorang Bebi teman. Rasa sekarang mata Zara dah boleh focus la sebab I noticed today setiap kali dia terbangun dari tidur, dia nangis sambil mata pandang Mama dia. Like pandang lama-lama masa nangis tu bukan pandang randomly.

Owh, while writing this entry tadi susukan Zara sekejap and sambil susukan dia I read this book my friend Nana bagi, 'Berpantang Cara Alami'. What a coincidence tiba-tiba terasa nak baca, ada this article pasal sakit belakang lepas bersalin. Wanita lepas bersalin are prone to sakit pinggang and sakit belakang because we used a lot of energy and muscle kita berkerja keras masa proses melahirkan. Memang pun, masa contraction tu mak aih sakit belakang tu tuhan je yang tau. Aku rasa macam nak mati je sakit sangat. So ni probably effect from tu la kot, plus aku banyak buat kerja berat which makes the pain worst. And the article said it will take beberapa bulan untuk pulih. Beberapa bulan?! Erm ok. Huhu...

*Tengah menunggu message dari orang di Jepun! ♥ *

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Happy 1st Anniversary! ♥

Masuk pukul 12am 3 June malam tadi Hubby and I were watching friendly match bola England lawan Belgium. Lepas setahun hidup dengan Encik Hubby this is what I've become, peminat bola penyokong Chelsea.. haha. Ok takdela minat/sokong pun but since my Hubby layan giler bola and minat sangat Chelsea so kena la support benda yang pasangan kita suka kan..hehe.

 Zara pakai baju baru Maklong bagi. Senyum dia nak keluar gi celebrate anniversary Mama & Papa.

Anyways, hari ni plan nak dinner kat Hotel Equatorial Bangi but macam tak plan betul-betul nak bawak Zara or nak tinggal Zara so finally postpone next week lepas Hubby balik dari Jepun. Hari ni celebrate kat Secret Recipe Alamanda je. Boring. Suka hati aku je minum "frosty lemon juice". Dah la sejuk and masam gilos pulak tu. Actually I asked for orange juice tapi orang tu either silap dengar or silap buat but malas nak tukar and menunggu.

We are so blessed dapat sambut 1st anniversary with our gift from God, our princess Izz Zara. Alhamdullah syukur. Ermmm sorry la Papa gambar Papa gelap sebab cahaya kat belakang..

Good thing kat Secret Recipe Alamanda ada sofa so masa kitorang makan boleh letak si kecik ni tidur kat sebelah. Cuma panas sikit la aircond tak berapa nak rasa especially meja dekat dengan pintu belah luar (taman).

Malam nak balik rumah Mak baru realized me and Hubby takde gambar bersama pun on our anniversary ni, so comot pun comot laa janji ada gambar kenangan..hehe.

Happy Anniversary Abang. ♥
I love you always, for the sake of Allah. Semoga jodoh kita sehingga ke syurga. Amin.