Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day 2014

Happy Father's Day to my Abah. Thank you for providing me with everything I need. If you've seen this cartoon sketch yang orang duk sebar kat internet, the one yang ada budak pakai seluar bertampal-tampal holding his fathers hand, and the father punya seluar pulak berlubang-lubang, which brings the meaning he gave up what he had to provide for his child (malas nak cari balik gambar tu), that picture would best describe my Abah. Like even until now when all my siblings are grown up, working and married, he's still the first person to jump at our needs.

Happy Father's Day to my husband aka the father of my child. Thank you for helping with house chores and baby chores. For understanding and taking over when I'm tired. For that, I am blessed. But you still have a long way to go, Papa. :p

Last but not least, Happy Father's Day to all fathers in the world, and to those playing the role of a father. May Allah bless you all.

Zara & Papa enjoying ice cream Mama belanja.
Hari ni keluar jalan-jalan ke Midvalley. Despite today being Father's Day, aku pulak yang dapat belated birthday gift. Hihi

Thank you HB
Come to think of it, aku tak pernah beli wallet | purse untuk diri sendiri. All the ones I've been using had been gifts or passover from Mak. Phew banyak jugak la aku jimat selama ni ye. ;)

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