Monday, February 17, 2014

Product review: TBS Atlas Mountain Rose Perfume Oil

The perfumes that I'm so in love with right now.

Body Shop's oil perfume have been around for ages. Dulu time belajar aku pernah into Body Shop's perfume sekejap. Tapi tak laa kan nak beli jenis oil perfume because masa tu for RM59 I thought they were rather expensive. And in a such small bottle (15ml) I don't know how long they will last. I'm not really a fan of The Body Shop but this product has got me rethinking.

Recently Body Shop UK ada Christmas Sale and Syafiq pun dah nak dekat balik Malaysia so aku pun beli la beberapa barang considering the price were cheaper than here in Malaysia. I bought Mak and Abah perfumes, body scrub for Syafiq and I got myself 2 oil perfumes in Atlas Mountain Rose and Indian Night Jasmine, 4 pots of Born Lippy lip balm.

When Syafiq gave me my package, there was a very nice smell coming from it. Bila check rupanya penutup botol Atlas Mountain Rose perfume oil tu maybe tak rapat kot so tertumpah. Nasib baik sikit je yang berkurang. This will make me think twice about keeping them in my handbag. Baru plan nak buat perfume oil ni as a 'keep in bag perfume' since the size is very small.

I'm not usually a fan of rose scent or floral fragrances. But the first time I wore Atlas Mountain Rose I totally fell in love with the scent!  I kept sniffing my wrist when I wear this perfume! The smell of roses is refreshing and not overpowering. Unlike the Body Shop's Moroccan Rose which smells purely roses and a bit overpowering for me (yet I still bought them). However, the smell of the Atlas Mountain Rose range varies according to the product. I found that the EDT, lotion, body mist all smells differently. The perfume oil is the best for me.

I don't know perfume ni sekuat mana untuk orang sekeliling. But its strong enough for me to smell it on myself with just a swipe of the stick on my wrists and neck, and it will last all day. The best thing is the perfume is alcohol free.

The Indian Night Jasmine is just as nice. This perfume has a an oriental smell which to me is quite unique. Jadi boleh la gilir-gilir nak pakai bau apa ikut mood. Tapi rasanya bau Indian Night Jasmine tak berapa kuat and tak tahan lama macam Atlas Mountain Rose. So maybe kena pakai banyak sikit or keep on reapplying after a few hours kalau nak bagi bau tahan lama.

P/s: Japanese Cherry Blossom smells quite nice too and might be on the list of my next purchase.

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