Thursday, December 19, 2013

SENHENG, where's my oven?!

I am SO disappointed with SENHENG.

Last Monday (9th Dec) I bought an oven from SENHENG Bangi (yang area Gulatis). The salesman said I can collect my oven in 3 days because there's no stock at that branch at the moment so they need to order it from the warehouse. Taktau kenapa masa tu tak fikir panjang terus book and buat full payment

Jumaat lepas (13th Dec) kitorang pergi balik SENHENG nak tanya dah sampai belum oven tu. The salesperson kata dalam sehari dua lagi. Well guess what, sampai hari ni (19th Dec) still haven't heard from them. Kejap tadi I went to their FB page and why am I not surprised when I saw lots of comments from other customers claiming they also haven't received their goods from SENHENG long passed the promised period. Geramnya aku! Just don't promise your customer they will receive their item in 3/5/7 days if you cannot commit! Jangan la bagi harapan and janji palsu.

Lesson learnt: Next time kalau nak beli from SENHENG mesti dapat barang on the spot! Kalau takde stock balik, fullstop.


Alhamdulillah, I got my oven on 25th Dec. 16 days after booking/payment.

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