Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Parcel MUA dari UK dah sampai!

Sejak 1st time try product MUA yang aku kirim through Syafiq dari UK dulu, I am now a huge fan. Mainly because the products are affordable, and the quality is not disappointing. Pernah terbaca kat instagram MUA yang diorang pernah offer free international delivery. Aku pun tertunggu-tunggu and luckily not long after that..

Ordered 3 January, received 22 January, not bad at all kan? Free delivery and took lebih kurang 3 minggu nak sampai. But you only get free delivery if you buy products worth over £20 which will be around RM108 (subject to current currency exchange rate). Aku tanya Bebi and Kakak if they want anything, so boleh la cukupkan order kan. But then lepas dah pilih-pilih, barang yang aku nak je dah dalam £20. -_-"

Finally the total order was £49.25. I've been asking whether my parcel has arrived kat Mak Abah. So hari ni bila parcel sampai Mak terus bagitau. Aku mintak Mak bukakkan dulu parcel tu check ada barang rosak atau pecah tak. Then Mak sent this pic.

Rasa tak sabar nak try semua lipstick so kebetulan HB OT hari ni, aku mintak dia singgah rumah Mak Abah dulu sebelum balik rumah and ambik parcel MUA tu. So this is £49.25 worth of products (around RM260++). Murah ke mahal you tell me. :D

And these are all my lip products collection that I have now. Some of them, I don't know when I'll wear. Some doesn't even suit me! But oh well. I just want the satisfaction of having all shades of color.

Wait for the review of the lipsticks soon! ;)

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