Saturday, January 11, 2014

Weekend Getaway: Traders Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

Mak plan nak bercuti dengan Syafiq before dia balik UK ahad ni. Mula-mula nak pergi Penang, but then macam rushing sangat pulak so bercuti kat KL je. Mak kalau duduk hotel dia pentingkan view, so kat KL ni what better then looking out of your window to the view of KLCC. So diorang pun bercuti kat Traders Hotel KL and aku pun menyibuk. Hehe

Mak and Syafiq pergi check in dulu petang Jumaat. Bebi mintak teman pergi Pavilion dia nak cari winter coat because esok diorang nak berangkat ke Jepun untuk honeymoon. So nanti balik dari Pavilion dia drop aku and Zara kat hotel. Supposedly dari Pavi ke Traders Hotel tu dalam 10min je. Tapi sebab guna Google Map & Waze dua-dua macam confusing and kitorang asyik ter-miss simpang sebab ada construction, jalan tutup etc. Bangunan pun tulisan semua tinggi-tinggi so kalau dari jarak yang dekat nak kena jenguk kepala ke atas susah jugak. At last kitorang lalu kat Mandarin Oriental and tanya bell boy direction ke Traders Hotel, lepas tu 2 min je sampai. -_-"

View dari level 28, at night.

Baru aku tau lampu KLCC (and bangunan lain kat sekeliling) akan tutup secara berperingkat. Pukul 1.30am, most buildings dah gelap macam gambar bawah ni. Yang terang belakang KLCC tu bangunan Public Bank. Tu pun masa aku terbangun dalam pukul 5am tengok dah gelap jugak.

View dari level 28, during daytime.

Pagi Mak tak nak breakfast, Zara pun nyenyak tidur lagi so aku pergi breakfast berdua dengan Syafiq. Kalau duduk kat executive floor, boleh breakfast kat cafe level 32 overlooking the view of KLCC instead of going downstairs. Kat atas tu tak ramai sangat orang and the waiters were very attentive (which aku tak berapa suka sebenarnya). The breakfast spread was one of the best I've ever had because of the variety such as Malaysian, Arabian, Korean, Western, Japanese dish. I don't even know what some of them are. Untuk makanan melayu ada nasi goreng and nasi lemak je if I'm not mistaken. The breads/pastries pun tak berapa banyak. They were also like five or six different types of cheese.

Sorry, takde gambar before, ada gambar after je :p
If you are staying on the executive floor, petang ada complimentary high tea and malam free cocktail on the 32nd floor. Coffee and soft drinks are FOC throughout the day and you can get them also on the 32nd floor. Too bad tak cukup masa nak check out the pool. Lepas check out hotel kitorang terus ke LCCT nak tengok Bebi and Redza berlepas pergi honeymoon. Jumpa HB and Abah kat sana.

Happy honeymoon!

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